Sunday, January 29, 2012

be someone worth having

Stop. Stop chasing everything. You're missing it. You're running right past your life. People will come and go in life. Your heart will break and be made new again. Life is a continuation of inconsistencies. Ironic, but true. We spend seconds chasing minutes. minutes chasing hours. hours chasing days. But we fail to be thankful for the seconds. The things that allowed the minutes, hours, the days. In reality, the seconds are the most important thing. However, we focus on the days because they are bigger and badder. We tend to do that with the people in our life. The seconds are the people who have always been there for us. They are the people who care the most and the people we continue to take for granted. Those seconds, those people, made us who we are today. They allowed us to find minutes, hours. Without them we can't ever experience a day. So why are we acting like they have to be there? Why are we plugging them into every equation but never being thankful for their presence? We are chasing people who don't know us. People who don't care about us. Not at that level. Today,  and every other day, appreciate the people in your life. Appreciate the seconds. Because they not only love and care for you, but they want you in their lives. That is the most satisfying thing to me. To have someone want your care, your love, your friendship. Can't we see that? Not only is it important to appreciate your friends, the ones you chose. But it is so important to be grateful for the ones that chose you. Everyone wants to be wanted. Everyone wants to care about others and be cared for. So never take for granted the seconds. They make the minutes, the hours, the days. They make the part of you that you can't find on your own. They take care of your heart when the days can't. Be aware of that. Be strong and bold in love.

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